In Chargebee, when multiple types of credits are available (Promotional Credits, Refundable Credits, and Excess Payments), the application to an invoice follows a specific order of precedence:
Promotional Credits – These are applied first. Since promotional credits are typically non-refundable and provided as incentives, they are consumed before other credits to ensure they are utilized first.
Refundable Credits – After promotional credits, refundable credits are applied. These are credits issued due to adjustments, refunds, or corrections and can be refunded to the customer if needed.
Excess Payments – Finally, if any balance remains on the invoice after applying promotional and refundable credits, Chargebee will apply excess payments. These are funds received in advance from the customer, which can be used for future invoices or refunded if necessary.
So, suppose the total invoice amount is less than the sum of all these credits. In that case, Chargebee will apply them in the above order until the invoice is fully paid, and any remaining credits (Refundable Credits or Excess Payments) will still be available for future use.