Close pending invoice job did not execute?
Collect Invoice Job executed on closing pending invoice?
Source of action shows different value?
Merchant closed a pending invoice from UI (Admin Console).
The customer had auto-collection ON
The invoice was closed & Payment Succeeded simultaneously.
The merchant checked the Activity Log → Source. The source showed as “Scheduled Job” and not “Admin Console”
Scenario1: Auto-Collection ON
Create Customer and Subscription:
Create a customer with a subscription and set auto-collection to ON.
Add Payment Method:
Ensure that the customer has a valid payment method associated.
Create Draft Invoice:
Generate a draft invoice for the subscription.
Close Draft Invoice via UI:
Close the draft invoice using the User Interface.
Source Display:
In this case, since auto-collection is ON, internally, the system attempts to collect the payment through the "collect_invoice" job, and the source is displayed as "Scheduled Job."
Scenario2: Auto-Collection OFF
Create Customer and Subscription:
Create a new customer with a subscription and set auto-collection to OFF.
Add Payment Method:
Ensure that the customer has a valid payment method associated.
Create Draft Invoice:
Generate a draft invoice for the subscription.
Close Draft Invoice via UI:
Close the draft invoice using the User Interface.
Source Display:
In this case, with auto-collection OFF, the payment is not attempted automatically through the "collect_invoice" job. Closing the pending invoice via the UI will show the source as "Admin Console."
This workflow illustrates how the source display changes based on the auto-collection setting. When auto-collection is ON, the system internally attempts to collect payment through a scheduled job, resulting in the source being displayed as a "Scheduled Job." Conversely, when auto-collection is OFF, closing the invoice via the UI shows the source as "Admin Console" since the system is not automatically attempting to collect payment.
Additional details are available in the Jira issue: