Override Unbilled Charges setting for a customer
Unbilled Charges are created when there are specific manual events created such as when a subscription is created, Subscription is changed, Subscription is reactivated, Subscription term is extended, One-time charge, Advance charges are created with Charges.
This can be configured under site-level settings from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Unbilled Charges. Also, it can be overridden from the Subscription/Customer level using Allow overriding via Chargebee interface toggle from the Unbilled Charges settings.
Note: Total Unbilled charges for a specific customer
We have updated our summary box to provide a more streamlined and elegant user experience. With this upgrade, hyperlinks have been added to the summary box, allowing users to easily access related information. The Total Unbilled charges on Summary Section is available at the top of the Customer details page which provides a total amount due of a customer and hyperlink that directs to the details. Refer to this link for more details.
Chargebee allows you to configure how unbilled charges are handled in your site. Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Unbilled Charges and ensure that the proper settings are in place.

You can choose the site defaults as either invoice immediately or add them to unbilled charges for the following cases:
- When a subscription is created and there are charges
- When a subscription is changed, and there are charges
- When a subscription is reactivated and there are charges
- When subscription term is extended, and there are charges
- When one-time charges are created
- When advance charges are created
Users can choose to override these default settings while creating charges on the Chargebee interface. However, if you wish to prevent them from doing so, click on the more options (vertical ellipsis) menu to the right of the setting and disable the Allow overriding via Chargebee interface toggle.
Say for example, if you have enabled Override option, you will see one of the option be selected by default, however you can choose to change the options.
Creating Actual Charges
Here are the API calls you can use while adding a charge to the list of unbilled charges:
Note:set the invoice_immediately parameter to false to keep the charge as unbilled