Error: Scheduled date for changes occurs beyond the permissible duration

Modified on: Mon, 30 Jan, 2023 at 4:01 PM


Subscription Cancellation - How many days can we schedule cancellation?

What is the limit of the sub-cancellation scheduled date?

What is the expected behavior of Subscription Cancellation(Schedule Limit)?


Subscription cancellation, when goes beyond the billing period for a yearly subscription it throws an error stating cancellation cannot be set whereas in the case of monthly subscription, it allows it even if it crosses the billing period.
The Steps for the Use case -
1) Create a monthly plan and then schedule cancellation after 3-4 months - this will work fine and the schedule works fine.

2) Create a yearly plan and then schedule cancellation after the billing period ends - Limit breached error.


It does not depend on which plan type- i.e monthly or yearly - Total days is one year i.e if we start today so next year till the next day it will take - Close to 366 days
Let's say I create a subscription on 27/01/2023 then 366 days will be the limit - The next year 2024 same date is the limit in between which you can schedule a sub-cancellation.

Current limits - 366 days is considered for day-based billing as we bill the next day and 365 days if you have  millisecond based billing

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