Can we apply the setup cost while changing a subscription in PC 1.0 sites?

Modified on: Mon, 12 Dec, 2022 at 2:53 PM

This article covers 

I cannot edit the displayed setup cost while changing Subscription in Leap UI while I was able to edit it in Classic UI. Why so?


While updating or changing an active subscription to a new plan having setup cost, we can not apply the charges of the setup cost ̉to the customer. The setup cost can be applied only during the subscription creation or activation. This is an expected behavior by design.


** Recently there has been a change made to the sites on PC 1.0 with the upgrade in the UI from Classic to Leap UI. Our UI team has decided to phase out the Classic UI after 15th January 2023. ** 

While changing an active subscription to a plan having setup cost, you might have seen the setup cost displaying just below the plan in the Leap UI and you cannot edit it. According to the expected behavior while changing an active subscription, the setup cost of the changed plan will not be charged to the customer. So do not worry about charging your customers' setup cost of the newer plan while changing their active subscription if you do not want to. Though it is getting displayed in the Leap UI and you cannot edit it, but it will not be charged to your customers. 

In the Classic UI, the Set up cost is not even being displayed with the newer plan while changing an active subscription. It is being hidden by default then.

The Setup cost can only be charged during the subscription start or activation. Prior to these subscription start or activation event, you can apply or edit the setup cost while changing the subscriptions to the new plan having the setup cost with it.

So the setup cost of the changed plan can be applied or edited while changing the subscriptions which are in “Future” and “In Trial” states only (in both Classic and Leap UI).

So, if you need to apply or edit the setup cost of the changed plans while updating the Active Subscriptions, it is suggested that you add a non-recurring addon or quick charge instead of that to charge your customers accordingly. 

Note: Our Support team has already raised a request to the internal Product team to hide the setup cost of the newer plan which are getting displayed while changing the active subscription so that it cannot create any confusion in the future. After the fix will be released to production, the Setup cost will be hidden in Leap UI as same as Classic UI

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Setup Cost

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