What is the impact of changing site timezone on subscription's Next billing dates?

Modified on: Tue, 3 Jan, 2023 at 3:04 PM

This article covers 

What is the impact of changing the site Timezone on the subscription's Next billing dates?

What time zone does Chargebee follow for updating reports?

Is it possible to change the timezone of my site? - reporting

Effect of changing Chargebee site's time zone on the data in the dashboard?


All the reports across your site will follow the time zone in your Chargebee site. You can find more details about time zones here.

To change the time zone in your Chargebee site just go to Settings >> Business Profile (under Billing section) and hit Change time zone. Here, you also have the option to enable UTC time zone for your data exports. Please refer screenshot below.

Updating the time zone in your Chargebee site will not impact when the next billing happens. It will get adjusted to the new timezone equivalent in the UI though.

Say, you updated the time zone in your Chargebee site from CST to UTC, the next billing date of the subscription would change from Dec 1 2022 00:00 to its equivalent time in UTC which is Dec 1, 2022, 06:00 UTC in your UI. Your Chargebee site will be updated to the current UTC and this time zone update will reflect in the next billing date as well.

 The change in alignment will leave a time gap or time overlap depending on the new time zone you choose.

Time Overlap: Time overlap is when the new time zone is shifted from UTC to a time zone that falls before UTC. i.e., New time zone = UTC+[hh]:[mm]. Like IST, which is UTC+05:30 hours.

Say you change the time zone of your Chargebee site from UTC to IST in January. This will ideally mean that all the transactions that had gone through in the last 5.30 hrs in December will now also belong to January, which will leave the metrics with an overlap.

To handle this data overlap, Chargebee will not shift the data to the current month since the data was added in last month already.

Time Gap: Time gap is when the new time zone is shifted from UTC to a time zone that falls after UTC. i.e., New time zone = UTC-[hh]:[mm]. Like PST, which is UTC-07:00 hours.

Say you change the time zone of your Chargebee site from UTC to PST in January. This will ideally mean that all the transactions that had gone through in the first 7 hours of UTC time in January will now belong nowhere, leaving an unaccounted 7 hours of data in Chargebee metrics.

To handle this data gap, Chargebee will add the data in the gap to the current month's data. In this case, it will be added to the data of the 1st of January.

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