How to get the recent subscription of each individual customer via API?

Modified on: Wed, 19 Oct, 2022 at 8:49 PM


How to get the last subscription of each individual customer via API?

Is there any way to get the recent subscription using API?

What is the parameter to get each customer's subscription by month via API?


You can make use of the List Subscription API call and use the parameter 'sort_by[<sort-order>]' to filter the subscription by period.


Step 1: You can make use of this API call to list subscriptions.

Step 2: To filter the subscription by period.


optional, string filter
Sorts based on the specified attribute.
Supported attributes: created_at, updated_at
Supported sort-orders: asc, desc

Example  sort_by[asc] = "created_at"
This will sort the result based on the 'created_at' attribute in ascending(earliest first) order.

Step 3: To filter the subscription by customer.

optional, string filter
A unique and immutable identifier for the subscription. If not provided, it is autogenerated.
Supported operators: is, is_not, starts_with, in, not_in

Example  id[is] = "8gsnbYfsMLds"
optional, string filter
Identifier of the customer with whom this subscription is associated.
Supported operators: is, is_not, starts_with, in, not_in

Example  customer_id[is_not] = "8gsnbYfsMLds"

Step 4: To filter the subscription by Plan.


optional, string filter
The plan item code.
Supported operators: is, is_not, starts_with, in, not_in

Example  item_id[is] = "silver"

optional, string filter
The plan item price code.
Supported operators : is, is_not, starts_with, in, not_in

Example  item_price_id[is] = "silver-USD-monthly"
Step 5: To filter the subscription by subscription status.
optional, enumerated string filter
The current state of the subscription. Possible values are: future, in_trial, active, non_renewing, paused, cancelled.
Supported operators: is, is_not, in, not_in

Example  status[is] = "active"

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