Where should I set the billing cycle: plan or subscription level?

Modified on: Wed, 7 Oct, 2020 at 8:21 AM

This article covers 

How to create annual plans in Chargebee?

How to create semi-annual plans


In Chargebee, you can set the number of billing cycles at the plan or subscription level. The Billing 

Interval defines the billing frequency and the number of times a subscription should be renewed automatically. More on this.

1. The Billing Cycle can be configured at the Plan and Subscription level
2. The Billing cycle can be configured/left blank at the plan level and can be overridden at the Subscription level using the Change Subscription option.
3. If there are no subscriptions attached to the plan, then Billing cycles can be changed. If there are subscriptions attached to a plan then it cannot be changed.

Billing cycles

You can configure the Billing cycles at the plan or subscription based on your requirement.

  1. At plan level

The No. of billing cycles determines the default number of times the subscription is renewed automatically. The number set should be inclusive of the first billing cycle.

For example: When you specify the No.of Billing cycles at the plan level as 1 the subscription that avails the plan gets cancelled at the end of the 1st billing cycle and moves to a 'Non-Renewing' state.

  1. At subscription level

Here, the No.of Billing cycles field is used to set the number of times a customer will be charged. You can specify a different value for the no.of billing cycles than what you have already configured in the plan.


  1. You can also override the number of billing cycles at the subscription level by using the Change subscription operation. 

  2. The value entered in the new subscription will override the value that was already configured in the plan. Click here to know more.

Using API

To define a billing frequency set the period

To set billing cycles, click here.

Related articles and Documentation

Does the subscription billing cycle override the plan’s billing cycle?
What happens when the number of billing cycle is 0?

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