This article covers:
Brand settings
Inserting images Email notifications V2
Brand Settings
It is possible to add images in the form of logos or icons under the Brand Settings which will enable this image to appear in both email and invoices. This can be found under Settings >> Brand styles (under Customer-facing essentials section) >> Add Logo & Color(on the left side pane).
Here you can add a Logo/Icon/Favicon/Accent color. You can also choose your company logo so that it'd appear on all your emails and invoices. The logo can be positioned either in the center or align it to one side.
Inserting image in the template:
You can also have separate images configured for specific email notifications. This can be done under Settings>>Email Notifications. Here you can choose any email template of your choice and click on the EDIT MESSAGE option at the top right in the template.
- When you hover the mouse over the sections you will see a (+) symbol, choosing which you can find the option to add Image/Button/Section/Text.
- Click on the Insert Image option and select an image of your choice, so that it appears in the emails for which it is enabled.
- Once the required changes are done, Publish the email.
Please refer to this video for more information.