How can I import a subscription with the same signup date from another platform to Chargebee?
What is the use of Advance Transformations in Bulk Operation and how do I use it?
How to perform bulk operations using Parallel processing of data?
What is Parallel processing of data in Bulk operation?
I want to copy all my live site subscriptions into the test site.
How to import subscriptions from other billing systems using their format?
How to perform bulk operations for new subscriptions?
In Bulk Operation, the Advance Transformation supports this action if your data file is in a format that is different from the format provided in Chargebee's sample CSV file and you would like to transform it to the recommended format with minimal effort & less time consumption using JSON code. To import subscription data in bulk to Chargebee by using the same 'created_ at' date from the file, follow the steps below. Refer to this link on how to import subscriptions using Sequentially iterating each data.
If you are to perform a bulk operation for existing data from Chargebee you may have to export the data from Chargebee and update those data to the import sheet from Bulk Operations. Earlier the export data format and import data format varied which involves a lot of manual intervention. With the new enhanced Export file option, you can either export a file using Download Data or use Download import-friendly file from Settings > Import & Export Data > Product Catalog. Refer to this link for more information.
To support this action if your data file is in a format that is different from the format provided in Chargebee's sample CSV file and you would like to transform it to the recommended format it has to be enabled from the back-end. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to enable this feature.
Step 1: Go to Chargebee App, Settings -> Import & Export data, and Click on Choose a Bulk Operation
Step 2: From Choose the bulk operation, select Import subscriptions for Items (if PC 2.0)/ Import subscriptions for customers (if PC 1.0) and click on Proceed.
Step 3: Download the sample CSV and enter the details then Upload the CSV
Step 4: While you are on the Bulk Operation (Step 2) under Unmatched Column, select 'Skip the Column' for a subscription [created_at]
Step 5: Under Configure your preferences: Choose Advance Transformations and use the below JSON code
Once you have configured your preferences, click Continue to validate the uploaded CSV file. Then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the bulk operation.
Whenever you migrate to Chargebee, you may want to import the data from your third-party applications into Chargebee.
This Import operation comprises different processes
Data extraction - Extracting data from the third-party applications apps like stripe,xero
Transformation - the extracted data is then transformed into a form that can be imported into Chargebee eg) Naming the file in a correct format, naming the keys and IDs, validating the data
Data import - Here the transformed and validated data is finally imported into our Chargebee application
Chargebee has different variants of Import operations :
Bulk operation: Sequentially iterating each data
This is a native process used in Chargebee to import the data from 3rd party applications into Chargebee. In this method, while importing the data, each and every record will be validated by iterating sequentially. Once the validation is completed the data will get imported again by sequential iteration.
The problem with this approach is for a huge amount of data say 100000, it will iterate every record sequentially for both validating as well as for importing hence it is a time-consuming process. This process can be used to import data from 3rd-party applications or to perform a bulk update on existing subscriptions in Chargebee. Refer to this link on how to import subscriptions using Sequentially iterating each data.
Bulk operation: Parallel processing of data
To overcome the time-consuming problem of Sequentially iterating each data, we have parallel processing of data during the import phase. The main objective of this approach is to reduce the time. This type of parallel processing is achieved by using Advance transformations. The only difference between these 2 operations is how we are processing the data during the import phase in the backend.
Note: For complex data migrations, we have our data migration team, reach out to us at [email protected].
Step 0: Prepare the data file
Navigate from Settings > Import and Export Data > Choose a bulk operation > Import subscriptions for Items (if PC 2.0)/ Import subscriptions for customers (if PC 1.0) and click on Proceed.
For PC 1.0
For PC 2.0
Step 1: Download the sample CSV file
Upon downloading the CSV ‘import_subscription_for_items.csv’. You can update the subscription records on this file.
Your CSV data file should contain all the columns specific to the operation you are performing. The sample CSV file has most of the columns required for the operation
Do not edit the column labels in the sample file and make sure the file extension is .CSV. Click here to read more
You can update this sheet with the data exported from the Customer Index Page
Once the file is exported, edit the file in CSV format and then you can update the subscription items required.
The fields in the downloaded file have to be filled in as per the parameters given below.
1. PC 1.0
2. PC 2.0
Step 2: Once updated, drag and drop your data file into the web interface or upload it
Step 2: Configure your preferences
In Step 2: Map Columns section, if the subscription[created_at] is prompted, choose to Skip this Column.
Step 2a: Specify your preferences on how Chargebee will perform certain actions when the Bulk Operation is underway
Disable Webhooks: If you're an API user, you might be using Chargebee's webhooks to notify your system of any events that occur in your Chargebee account through the webhook URL.
Disable Email Notifications: If you've enabled Email Notifications in Chargebee and you are performing an operation (such as creating new subscriptions) that could trigger one of the enabled email notifications, your customers might receive an email notification.
Advanced Transformations: If your data file is in a format that is different from the format provided in Chargebee's sample CSV file and you would like to transform it to the recommended format with minimal effort, use this option. Contact support and we will provide you with the JSON code that you need to paste into the Advanced Transformations text box.
Upon skipping the subscription[created_at] you will see a JSON as mentioned below in the screenshot. Delete this JSON code.
Now, use this JSON code and paste it on the Advance Transformations (screenshot for reference)
Then click Continue and follow the on-screen instructions
Step 3: Confirm Operation
If there are errors in the data file, you could either choose to fix the errors and upload another data file or skip the rows with errors and continue with the operation.
Click How do I fix this? to view the last 10 errors.
This section will also provide you with the options to download the validated file and upload a corrected file.
Step 4: Processing
This is the final step where the data file is validated again to ensure a smooth import and the operation is performed. The completion time depends on the number of records that need to be processed. You could go to a different tab and come back to this page later.
Once the operation is complete, a success message will be displayed as shown:

You will also be notified via email.
However, if there are errors during this operation, you will find the following screen where you can fix them one by one in the Chargebee app.

Click ‘Fix these errors' and the next screen is where you can make your corrections.

If there are too many errors during the operation, you can download the data file with the list of rows processed and the ones with errors.
To download the file, close the screen and hit Skip these records > Show errors > Download. Click here to know more about the bulk operation.