What is Total Active Paid Subscriptions metric in RevenueStory?

Modified on: Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 at 5:54 PM

A total number of subscriptions that are paid and active as of a specific period.
Explanation of metric

This is the number of subscriptions in Active status that generate positive MRR for the period. When comparing the last period's value against the period before, this KPI compares the number of Total Active Subscriptions at the end of both periods having a positive MRR for the respective periods. If an active subscription on a paid plan is having zero MRR due to a 100% discount/coupon, that is not included in the Active paid subscriptions.

How it's measured
Count of unique subscriptions, where: Subscriptions Status = Active, Non Renewing & Plan Type = Paid & MRR > $0

Up: Good


When your business is in its early stages, this is the number you should be chasing when optimizing for the highest growth potential. One of the metrics to focus on before moving down the metrics chain \u2014 towards revenue, paid plans, and ARPU, or up the chain\u2014 with signups, activations, and so on. Being a good summary number to track, it can be used as a goal metric. A decrease in this could mean higher cancellations or lower new customer addition.

Click here to know about other metrics.

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