Error: Session Expired

Modified on: Sat, 25 Jun, 2022 at 12:15 AM

This article covers 

How do I set up Chargebee’s sign-in via SSO?


If you already authenticate your customers on your native application and would like to redirect them to their Chargebee portal to manage their account, you can use the Single-Sign-On option. Integrating your customer portal via Chargebee’s API lets you skip Chargebee’s self-serve portal authentication and direct your customers to access their accounts.

1.SSO applies only when you have your own authentication for your website.
2.This portal link(redirect)
 is valid for one time use. Click here to read more. 

Follow the below steps for supporting portal access via SSO:

  1. Enable "Customers can access the self-serve portal via Single Sign-On API" under Chargebee Dashboard,

Configure Chargebee
Checkout & Self-serve portal
> Checkout
Click Publish to use the portal sessions API

  1. Provide a link to your website/application to allow your authenticated customers to access the portal (portal_link).

  2. Handle the link request in your server code and create a portal session for the customer by calling Chargebee's "Create a portal session" API

  3. Forward the user to the access URL present in the "Portal Session" resource returned by the above API call.

    1. Note: 

      1. The access URL should be accessed by the customer within one hour from the time it was created. 

      2. Once accessed, 

        1. The session is valid until the user logs out from the portal UI or logout API is called from your application.

        2. Create a new portal session, whenever you need to provide access to the portal.

Note: Chargebee supports Single Sign-On via SAML

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